With this plugin you can let users of FarCry add custom forms to their websites. Each form submission will be emailed to an address that is defined for each form, as well as being logged and available from the FarCry webtop.
Clone/Fork on GitHub: https://github.com/amerika/plugin-idlform
Great for:
- mini-surveys
- contact forms
- and more
Add the plugin to the project constructor ./projectname/www/farcryConstructor.cfm
For example, include idlform like so:
<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycms,idlform" />
Restart your application and deploy the database schema changes through the web top COAPI tools.
Please contact dev@amerika.no if you should have any questions.
This plugin is open-source under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3 (LGPL)