Webtop redirects to install


Using Lucee Express (Tomcat) on my local dev but /webtop keeps redirecting to /webtop/webtop/install/index.cfm.

I’ve made sure the application name matches the folder in farcryConstructor etc.

How have you done the /webtop mapping with Lucee Express? Since there is a double up of “/webtop” in that URL (/webtop/webtop/install/index.cfm) then it looks like there might be an issue with the mapping? This would be the expected screen that should be displayed when you hit the installer but you already have a valid installation.

Also, since Lucee Express only has Tomcat and no web server I usually only use a “webroot install” structure so that mappings and custom webroots aren’t required… i.e.

└── webapps
    └── ROOT
        ├── farcry
        │   ├── core
        │   │   └── webtop
        │   └── projects
        │       └── myproject
        ├── Application.cfc
        ├── farcryConstructor.cfm
        ├── index.cfm
        └── etc ...

Where lucee-express/webapps/ROOT is the default webroot and the webtop URL in the farcryConstructor.cfm is configured as /farcry/core/webtop. This might not fix your issue, but it’s the easiest way to play with FarCry Core in Lucee Express (just dropping the farcry folder into the webroot).

Cool, that makes sense as a setup, I’ll give that a test :slight_smile:

No worries :slight_smile: Check your mapping though just in case, maybe it was just pointing to the /farcry/core folder instead of the /farcry folder? Just a thought!

I’ve tried this setup, it works really well and is really simple, the only issue I’ve had is that is runs extremely slow, each request sometimes taking up to 20-30 seconds.

Also, how did you handle friendly URLs?

To support friendly URLs in Lucee Express’ Tomcat you would need to add the Tuckey URL Rewrite filter. There is a thread on the old farcry-dev Google group but at the time that implementation was for Railo Express and Jetty. Otherwise you would need to put a webserver or proxy in front of Tomcat. I generally always have a web server + Tomcat for development because that’s how the apps will run in production, and I reserve Lucee Express for situations where I only want to test something without caring about how it might work in production.

These days our recommend development environment is Docker based, because we can go from development through to stage to production with very little effort and with the entire stack configured consistently across each environment. We use the standard Docker Toolbox tools (docker, docker-machine, docker-compose, VirtualBox, Git Bash), plus a custom tool called docker-workbench.

One you have this tool chain you can spin up a new Docker VM with docker-workbench create in under 5 minutes, run a git clone ... to check out an existing project, then docker-compose up to run the application. It’s a cross platform approach and really does save time :slight_smile:

You can see an example project here which uses Lucee and nginx (with friendly URL support) and a H2 database: