but unfortunately i do not know what to select for search result defaults. The documentation example mentions only dmHTML content type that is installed by default.
My working PC is running windows 7, Apache 2.4 and Coldfusion 11. I have already set up the web alias farcrypro and that is obvious via screen “Detailed Installation and Setup Help” (both icons visible).
I tried to index a (simple) custom content type (appealer) and include only 4 properties (string type) as a starting point, despite the fact that i want also to include other properties (similar to country.cfc as custom type and therefore i do not know what to select from the dropdown box for this specific occasion before pressing +). Unfortunately i came across a series of screenshots that would be helpful to attach all of them.
Restart solr and then re-edit and save the FarCry config for the plugin. It hasn’t created the Solr core for some reason. Assuming all your paths are correct it should create one called “Chelsea” (which should match your application name), but since that isn’t there the HTTP requests cannot complete.
In order to restart solr I use cmd
Ctrl + C and afterwards java -jar start.jar. Afterwards admin-General admin-solr pro plugin config and save again the pre populated form data.
How i will get a message that Chelsea core is created or not? Is there another way to create a core without farCry webtop menu only via cmd?
My significant error was that i constantly started solr server as single core (java -jar start.jar) instead of multicore (java -Dsolr.solr.home=multicore -jar start.jar). Is there any documentation on how to work with this specific screen after indexing some content and which webskin to use for testing (type=solr&view=blabla).
Pagination is included by default or i have to play again with skin:pagination ?
After successfully creating an Apache Solr core, i tried to index some custom type content as a starting point (4 only string fields) in order to learn it as much as i can.
So one of your properties must be missing an ftType attribute in whatever content type you’re attempting to index.
There is a search tool in the webtop menus that you can use to test that your data has been indexed so you can eliminate the front end as a source of your problems.
I followed your advice once again but unfortunately the same error turned up. I think that something else is wrong with custom content type. Unfortunately i can not proceed any further.