Skeleton Export

Sorry I’m probably asking a dumb question…

I’ve never used Skeleton Export utility so I want to try it now. I see it provides 3 options: data only, data & code then data, code & media, which is great.

After the export, I got my file. So what I do with it now? Just unzip it and copy it to my server’s webroot and use it to install FarCry by:


I suppose I still need to create an empty database also the datasource in CF by the same name before that?

If all these answers are yes, the deployment process is just awesome!

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Yes, yes and yes :smiley:

We use it for migrating from mySQL to MSSQL and back again. You can even drop the zip into the web root of a Railo Express installation and install it direct into the local H2 database :slight_smile:

PS. I think there is a current bug where media (ie. ./images and ./files) are not included, but for now you can copy them into the new web root or set up a redirect to the live site

Thanks for the confirm…That’s fantastic! Database migration made super easy:)

I am pretty sure you dump it into /farcry/skeletons
so you will end up with /farcry/skeletons/my-exported-site/

You can edit the manifest that is used by the installer

That’s right :slight_smile:


Sorry confused now…

So I will still need to put the FarCry community release first then unzip and drop my skeleton export to ‘skeleton’ folder? Then from there I do install is that correct?

I thought I just need to create a new project folder and drop the ‘farcry’ folder from within my skeleton export and do install.

You don’t have to put it into /farcry/skeletons any more, you can do a DB install direct from the project folder (but only if you have a single project - multiple projects aren’t supported yet) :smile:

That’s right, you can just set up your web server as normal using the “full export” and run /farcry/core/webtop/install and it will do a DB install for the project.

Thanks folks.

Awesome…I’ll give it a go.
