We are in the process of decommissioning some Windows 2003 servers (CF8), on which my dev and production Farcry sites are running…
I have new Windows 2K8 servers set up with CF10 and i am in the process of migrating my dev Farcry site.
I have run in to a few issues I have been able to resolve (friendly urls, etc.) but I am having a problem I cant seem ti figure out.
in my projects _serverSpecifcRequestScope.cfm template I have the following
<cfswitch expression="#application.sysInfo.machineName#">
<!--- example where the server name is 'myMachine' --->
<cfcase value="my-dev-server-name">
request.mode.bDeveloper = 1; // Developer Mode
<!--- make sure bDeveloper is off in production --->
request.mode.bDeveloper = 0; // Production Mode
If I output:
<cfoutput>#application.sysInfo.machineName# - #request.mode.bDeveloper#</cfoutput>
I get:
my-dev-server-name - 0
indicating I am NOT in developer mode.
Is this file deprecated? Its doesn’t seem to be executed.