Hi All,
Did a bit of searching around and didn’t find a clear solution for this so thought I’d share.
Unlike customising a Types edit form with edit.cfm, Rules require you to use the update.cfm webskin to create a custom edit form. Adding a bit of javascript is also needed to close the modal window once you’re finished as well.
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true" />
<cfimport taglib="/farcry/core/tags/formtools/" prefix="ft" />
<!-- this will process the form -->
<ft:processform action="Save" bHideForms="true">
<ft:processFormObjects typename="#stObj.typename#" />
<!-- now do this to make the modal disappear when you're finished -->
<ft:processform action="Save,Cancel" bHideForms="true">
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- displaying the form -->
<ft:object objectid="#stObj.objectid#" typename="ruleMyRule" lfields="heading,aFiles,catFiles,numItems" />
<ft:buttonPanel class="form-actions">
<ft:button value="Save" class="fc-btn btn btn-primary" />
<ft:button value="Cancel" validate="false" />
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="false" />