Plugins Galore; REST, Social Logins, S3 Upload

While work on core has largely been grooming, we’ve been beavering away at making a variety of internal projects ready for public consumption. Will be publishing dedicated plugin :electric_plug: topics for these as they mature, but they’re already rolling out across production assets if you need these features today.


The API plugin provides a configurable and extendable REST API interface for any FarCry webapp. Early days, but awesome nonetheless. Currently provides app to app authentication using authentication keys, but can also use FarCry’s internal user security. Each authorised developer key can have specific functions and content types activated.

Kudos to Daemonite @blair for REST unicorn milk

Social Logins

The Social Logins plugin adds support for social sign-in services including Facebook and LinkedIn, along with support for ajax based signup and sign in for FarCry Core’s built-in user directory. We’ve had several different plugins for different authentication services; this plugin starts to coalesce those years of experience.

Mad props to daemonite @justincarter for login fairy dust

S3 Upload

We consider this an interim measure prior to full S3 support in core itself. The plugin adds two new formtools which support uploading direct to S3; for single file properties and an s3arrayupload formtool for array properties (multiple file uploads using related objects). Note current S3 support involves using the app server as an intermediary.

Gratz to daemonite @ken and friends for upload tiger blood
