Order of items in library selected webskin

Is there any way to change the sort order of items that are sent to the library selected to be sorted differently? I presume it’s currently sorted by date/time created. I need it to be sorted by a different field in the table.

I remember doing something like this before.

Try adding ftlibrarydatasqlorderby=“mySortField” to your property.


Just realised this is covered in Corey’s recent, excellant blog post.

See https://tangerineindustries.wordpress.com/2016/08/12/farcry-cms-rules-populating-library-data/ for full details.


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Hmm… but I’m not sure if this will work in the admin when selecting objects? Would it? This seems to be more geared towards hand picked/custom rules.

The ftLibraryDataSQLOrderBy attribute is used to provide a sort order in the library picker when a user is selecting existing objects, is that what you mean?

After the objects are selected they go into a sortable array in the form where the user can choose a specific order for them if necessary. If you need to render those objects in a special order on the front end, you might have to write some code to do that.

Correct, the library picker is where I need it to sort on. In this case I’m attempting to sort images by their when selecting them from within the image gallery.

And that’s done it. I put that command, ftLibraryDataSQLOrderBy, into the image gallery image array and sorted by title. Woo!

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