Is there any way to change the sort order of items that are sent to the library selected to be sorted differently? I presume it’s currently sorted by date/time created. I need it to be sorted by a different field in the table.
I remember doing something like this before.
Try adding ftlibrarydatasqlorderby=“mySortField” to your property.
Just realised this is covered in Corey’s recent, excellant blog post.
See for full details.
Hmm… but I’m not sure if this will work in the admin when selecting objects? Would it? This seems to be more geared towards hand picked/custom rules.
The ftLibraryDataSQLOrderBy
attribute is used to provide a sort order in the library picker when a user is selecting existing objects, is that what you mean?
After the objects are selected they go into a sortable array in the form where the user can choose a specific order for them if necessary. If you need to render those objects in a special order on the front end, you might have to write some code to do that.
Correct, the library picker is where I need it to sort on. In this case I’m attempting to sort images by their when selecting them from within the image gallery.
And that’s done it. I put that command, ftLibraryDataSQLOrderBy, into the image gallery image array and sorted by title. Woo!