Newcastle Museum: a retrospective

Newcastle Museum is the winner of multiple design, sustainability and new tourism development awards. Back in 2010/11, they chose to craft their site on the FarCry platform.

The site features a custom events calendar.

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Really like the way exhibits have calendar entries that span a significant period of time, but can still have specific events attached to them in the calendar.

The Exhibition is a content type that can have its own date range or be a permanent feature of the Museum. It sits in the site tree and the calendar view. Also, an Exhibition can have any number of specific calendar events attached to it.

The calendar items drill down to a full page view of the Exhibit that can include a gallery of images, rich text, downloads and so on. The mini-calendar of events is dynamically shown at the bottom. Again the content item sits in the tree, so visitors can browse the Events and Programs section of the site, or review the calendar – its all managed from the one content type.

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