Hi all,
I guess I found a bug in FarCry 7.2.9 but would be glad if anybody could verify first.
As everything is responsive today, I came up with the following code for an dmImage display handler:
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true" />
<source srcset="#application.url.webroot##stObj.thumbnailImage#" media="(max-width: 680px)">
<source srcset="#application.url.webroot##stObj.standardImage#">
<img src="#application.url.webroot##stObj.standardImage#"
alt="#application.fc.lib.esapi.encodeForHTMLAttribute(stObj.alt)# #application.fc.lib.esapi.encodeForHTMLAttribute(stObj.copyrightNotice)#"/>
<p class="credit">#application.fc.lib.esapi.encodeForHTMLAttribute(stObj.copyrightNotice)#</p>
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="false" />
However, when I inject the code with the TinyMCE editor, what I get is:
<figure><source media="(max-width: 680px)" /> <source /> <img src="/merker/images/dmImage/StandardImage/SF-Mozart-LaClemenzaDiTito-Schultz-Gansch-Crebassa-DeBique-Thomas-680x400-201707271.jpg" border="0" alt="»La clemenza di Tito«, 1. Akt: Vitellia (Golda Schultz), Servilia (Christina Gansch), Sesto (Marianne Crebassa) und Annio (Jeanine de Bique) mit Tito (Russell Thomas). © Salzburger Festspiele/Ruth Walz" /> <figcaption> <p>»La clemenza di Tito«, 1. Akt: Vitellia (Golda Schultz), Servilia (Christina Gansch), Sesto (Marianne Crebassa) und Annio (Jeanine de Bique) mit Tito (Russell Thomas).</p> <p class="credit">© Salzburger Festspiele/Ruth Walz</p> </figcaption></figure>
As you can see, the srcset attributes and picture tags are omitted, and the <img> tag gets an additional but outdated border attribute.
Am I the first one to experience this behavior? Is there a fix, or am I overlooking something? Any pointers will be appreciated.