What is the current best practice to use an external user directory? Many years ago I set up a FarCry site with paywall access to content. From memory I used a separate datasource and set up views in the external DB to mimic the user/group tables. So many years ago I cannot remember the full details.
My current requirement is to provide access to content based on Slatwall customer accounts that have paid and subscribed for access.
One option is to sync Slatwall accounts to FarCry users and assign them to FarCry user groups based on current subscriber status and then set up the groups/roles and permissions required.
But, can this be achieved without syncing / duplicating customer account details from Slatwall to FarCry by setting up a custom user directory?
Looking at GoogleUserDirectory.cfc in plugin-googleud I can see that it should be possible to use this as a base for a “SlatwallUserDirectory.cfc” to handle login and authentication.
Open to discussion and suggestions.
FarCry Slatwall Plugin
This is a new project, where I will be reworking my code to integrate Slatwall and FarCry and once complete will be making the plugin open source, but this will not be until early next year.