How do you send custom stPropMetadata to ft:serverSideValidation?
I’m trying to override the content type in a rule in execute. Specifically the ftAllowedFileExtensions on the original content type. It works on the front end OK but I can’t get it to get past ft:serverSideValidation. Always checks for the original ftAllowedFileExtensions in the content type.
ft:serverSideValidation passes the form to ft:validateFormObjects which does have a stPropMetadata attribute. Could I get away with just using ft:validateFormObjects instead? (That does seem to work in principle) by just adding this to the execute;
<cfif structKeyExists(form, "FARCRYFORMPREFIXES")>
<cfset lValidatedForms = "">
<cfloop list="#form.FARCRYFORMPREFIXES#" index="prefix">
<cfif structKeyExists(form, "#prefix#objectid") AND NOT listFindNoCase(lValidatedForms, prefix)>
<ft:validateFormObjects typename="#ListGetAt(form['#prefix#typename'],1)#" objectid="#ListGetAt(form['#prefix#objectid'],1)#" stPropMetadata="#stPropMetadata#" />
<cfset lValidatedForms = listAppend(lValidatedForms, prefix)>
Perhaps ft:serverSideValidation should have the attribute of stPropMetadata and then pass that to ft:validateFormObjects.