Core/CMS Still Viable Option?

I used to use Farcry Core and CMS many years ago. I now find myself needing a full featured CMS again but I see the last update to the project was in 2019. Is this still a viable option going forward? I really don’t want to deal with Mura and I’ve looked into but I currently run everything on ACF and MSSQL and that would require spinning up Lucee and mysql.

The site I’m going to be working with will have a parent site and several children sites, each with separate nav structures, but might share some data. There will also eventually be an API and a paywall.

I’m basically just trying to pick the option that will be well supported. My last go around with farcry core was good, it’s just been like 8-10 years so I want to see if it’s a solid option still or if I should look elsewhere.


We still actively develop Core and use it for most of our projects, the age of the releases / release zips is just a bit of a red herring because I haven’t been doing them :sweat_smile:

As you can see on GitHub the current master branch was updated 9 months ago which is basically the same as the p740 (FarCry Core 7.4) branch, and the newest development is in the p800 (FarCry Core 8.0) branch which was updated 2 months ago. If you’re picking it up then definitely grab the p800 branch as your “core” folder for the newest stuff.

What about the farcrycms plugin. I don’t see a branch with anything recent there. Or is it not really needed. Last time I actively developed with farcry was around the time that core split off and CMS became a plugin

None of the installer downloads seem to be working so I’m trying to piece together the core p800 branch w/ the fandango project but it looks like I need the skeleton files as well. Any ideas?

The CMS plugin is useful if you wanted content types like News, etc, or if you know what you’re after and want to build custom content types then you could skip it, it’s up to you.

The zips seem to download fine, are you getting an exception trying to do an installation? Check the exception logs and there might be something useful there.

Are you using ACF 2023? Can you try this to see if it fixed an incompatibility? I got this tip from Jeff Coughlin:

For anyone wanting to use FarCry 7.4+ with CF2023, you need the following:

  • Edit jvm config
    • Remove (2) old conflicts of --add-opens… /sun.util
    • Add --add-opens=java.base/sun.util=ALL-UNNAMED
    • Add --add-opens=java.base/sun.nio.cs=ALL-UNNAMED

I am on ACF2021. I was able to get the p740 branch running with the fandango project by hacking the installer a bit to set up some variables that the form would have set up for the stInstaller struct. I tried p800 as well but I got some weird things going on, I think there might be something targetting Lucee but I haven’t dug far enough to know. My plan was to get a basic site stood up and then replace the core w/ p800 and debug.

The installer link just doesn’t ever download anything. Using the download button/links on I eventually just copied the link to a new tab and it downloaded.

When you start a new project using p800, do you typically just run the installer manually and set up the site that way or do you have an installer that is just not downloadable yet?