I’m a Freelance ColdFusion Developer in the Seattle, WA area who works extensively with the FarCry Core framework. I was scouring the internet to find any developers out there who might have an interest in picking up some contract work. I’m currently overloaded and need someone who is familiar with FarCry and can hit the ground running. The position is 100% telecommute. Right now I need someone part-time, maybe 40-50 hours per month. I have many short-term projects, but also looking to develop a long term relationship with the right developer. I’m flexible on work schedule, as I know many others like me who freelance have other obligations. If this is something you or someone you know would be interested in, please feel free to reply.
I am a freelance developer and always looking to pick up some extra work. I’ve been working with FarCry for over 10 years and ColdFusion for 17+ years.