FarCry 7.0 had a series of changes to categories and the related category tree formtool. Whilst necessary these changes have led to a loss of functionality relative to the category tree formtool in 6.x.
Category Tree in edit handler is not expanding as default when there are already sub-categories checked
Note the category item is actually selected for – you just need to manually expand the tree to see the category. This is a real pain for editors with deep keyword hierarchies as its very difficult to see what is and isn’t selected.
Assuming that expanding the tree to show selected nodes is difficult or even undesirable in some instances, there may be a better way to meet requirements.
The formtool could list all selected categories beneath the collapsed tree. An option to de-select the category could be provided in the form of a little close (x).
A separate link/button could be shown to provide a JS event to open the entire tree.
This approach would have the following benefits:
users always see exactly what is selected, without having to expand tree; ie. no need to drill down to deselect or view existing categories
for large trees with many potential selections this makes the whole formtool a little more manageable
no need to muck around with the tree JS library to open at selected
user can still drill down to select new categories