FarCry Solr Pro Plugin

The FarCry Solr Pro plugin lets you use the power of Lucene (through Solr) to index and search your site. It goes above and beyond ColdFusion’s native implementation of Solr.

FarCry Solr Pro was designed with FarCry’s framework in mind. It matches each record with its unique record ID and grants you the power to make your searches more relevant with things like field boosting, search term elevation, and more.


Minimum Requirements

  • ColdFusion 9 or Railo
  • FarCry 7.0, 6.3, 6.2, 6.1.4, 6.0.19
  • Solr 3.5 (note Solr 3.5 is optionally included in this plugin)

To date, we have only tested this on Solr 3.5



Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0


From speed and performance enhancements to fine-tuning your content indexing, the FarCry Solr Pro plugin offers you complete control over your audience’s search results helping them find what they’re looking instead of frustrating them with difficult search tools:


To install, copy the plugin files to /farcry/plugins/farcrysolrpro and add farcrysolrpro to your this.plugins setting in your FarCry constructor. Deploy the content types in the COAPI manager and restart the application.

You will need a copy of Solr 3.5.x. One is provided in the git repository or optionally as part of the plugin distro. Solr does not have to run from within the plugin folders. By default our git repository has a copy of Solr under /farcrysolrpro/packages/custom/cfsolrlib/solr-server for convenience and because it was just easier for us to manage the files this way and offer a complete packaged solution. However Solr can be run from anywhere (on the same server or remotely with a couple restrictions) and you are not required to use the version of Solr we provide as a convenience (Solr is a pretty large download, so feel free to grab it elsewhere if desired). The downloads page lists the version of Solr that has been tested with each corresponding plugin version. Using a different version of Solr with the plugin is at your own risk. If you choose to run Solr from a different location, make sure to note that in your webtop config for the plugin (and be aware of the possible speed implications that can happen from running Solr on a separate machine).

Copious amounts of documentation: