First, thank you for the localhost podcast stuff. We’re listening to it and trying to get going with Docker and Lucee. I think in the long run, we’ll try to follow some of the patterns you’ve laid down.
In the meantime, we’re taking a baby step with trying to get FarCry 7.2.8 running on a Windows Virtual Machine in Azure running behind Lucee and IIS 10. This is somewhat similar to what we usually run: Adobe ColdFusion 11, IIS 8, and FC 7.2.8.
Here is where we seem to have a disconnect.
Typically, we set up the following VirtualHosts in IIS 8. /CFIDE, /farcry, /Jakarta, /webtop
The IIS Site is configured to run out of DRIVE:\inetpub\wwwroot\farcry\core\projects\projectname\www
Basically, everything that has to do with the site, whether it’s a file within the public webtree or a FC file, it’s underneath the project/www subdirs.
On the virtual machine we’re using, we have our Default Website that is running at C:\inetpub\wwwroot. The FarCry directory is located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\farcry. We’ve done an install with a project name and we can see the project files at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\farcry\projects\projectname. We’ve added a new site (localhost2) in IIS and pointed it to the www subdirectory of that project (the same way we normally do). We’ve added IIS Virtual Directories (as we normally do, minus CFIDE and Jakarta). We also adding mappings in Lucee Server and Web contexts to match those VirtualDirectories.
PROBLEM: If we try to visit the localhost2 site, we can’t seem to access the webtop. I’ve been trying to do my homework and saw this page: Optimise Lucee Resource Mapping for /farcry but the path that ends up showing up under that is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\farcry\core\projects\projectname\www\farcry.
So, here’s an interesting wrinkle. If we go to the default website and access the webstop, adding a dmFile goes into the securefiles directory under projectname, but if we add an image via the webtop, it goes into the image sub-directory of the C:\inetpub\wwwroot.
I appreciate any guidance you guys can give me here. I can almost hear you guys saying “Azure? IIS? He should be on AWS, Docker, NGinx”… and I’m working torwards it. At least we’re trying to use Lucee this time!