[closed] CSS cache duplicates

I am working on migrating a 6.2.8 site from CF8/Win2K3/IIS6 to CF10/Win2k12/IIS8

I seem to have things mostly working except for the caching of css.

I have something like the following:

<skin:loadCSS id="CSCDCSS-Jquery" basehref="/js/jquery" append="" bCombine="true" lfiles="/colorbox/colorbox.css,/jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.css"></skin:loadCSS>

<skin:loadCSS id="CSCDCSS-bootstrap" basehref="/_assets/bootstrap/3-1-1/css" append="" bCombine="false" lfiles="bootstrap.min.css,bootstrap-theme.min.css"></skin:loadCSS>

<skin:loadCSS id="CSCDCSS-Common" basehref="/css" append="" bCombine="true" lfiles="cmicro.css"></skin:loadCSS>

When i view source I see:

<link rel="stylesheet" id="stylesheet-CSCDCSS-Jquery" type="text/css" href="/cache/CSCDCSS-Jquery-DFABC69F31D4BC52F6AC651497C736D7.css" media="all" >
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/_assets/bootstrap/3-1-1/css/bootstrap.min.css" media="all" >      
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/_assets/bootstrap/3-1-1/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css" media="all" 
<link rel="stylesheet" id="stylesheet-CSCDCSS-Common" type="text/css" href="/cache/CSCDCSS-Common-DFABC69F31D4BC52F6AC651497C736D7.css" media="all" >

The problem is, when i view the source of the css files, CSCDCCSS-Jquery and CSCDSSS-Common files are the same (CSCDCSS-Common is showing the same combined css file as the CSCDJquery file and not the codethat should be in cmicro.css).


That’s a new one for me. It’s almost certainly a bug. Possibly related to
the way you’re using loadCSS - typically we use registerCSS on app startup
and only use <skin:loadCSS id=""> later. Perhaps the bug is related to the
case where all the details are in the loadCSS.


A few questions;

  1. Is the problem consistently reproducible or does it go away after an updateapp?

  2. Are these the only files that have identical content, or does it also happen to CSS files registered by core (e.g. the webtop CSS)?

  3. Does the issue only appear on CF10, never on CF8?

  4. Have you tried updating to a newer version of 6.2.x locally to see if that solves it?

Hopefully we can work out how to reproduce it, it seems like it could be related to load/thread safety.

The problem is consistent even after updateapp.

Seems to be happening to web top css files also.

I have not seen this on CF8

I have not yet tried to update beyond 6.2.8… I’m hoping to go to 7.x but since this site was originally built 6 years or so on 4.x and incrementally upgraded… I am a bit worried…

The source of




are identical.

I am also seeing a stuct dumped on web top pages:

APPEND	[empty string]
FILES	/webtop/thirdparty/jquery/js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js,/webtop/thirdparty/jquery/js/noconflict.js
ID	jquery
PREPEND	[empty string]

My Production system seems fine (Win2k3,CF8,FC6.2.8)

I had previously a successful migration of my dev system to Win2K8,CF10,FC6.2.8

But I am now being forced to move to Win2K12/CF10 and this is where it seems to be happening.

perhaps an IIS8 vs 7.5 issue?

output caching is installed but NOT enabled on IIS8.


I also see some FarCry pagination css that seems to be over ruling custom css… and the source of this (even when not logged in its being included in the sites output) includes a bunch of css files from /core/webtop/css/...

Seems to start with reset-fonts.css and then combines a bunch of others (again this is output even when not logged in to the webtop)

I just did some searching of the commit history and there’s a bug I fixed last April which might solve your issues;

This commit is on the head of p620 (effectively 6.2.11) but it is later than the newest milestone (milestone-6-2-10). Give me a few minutes and I’ll tag it for you :smile:

I’ve tagged milestone-6-2-11, try upgrading and let us know how you go!

Upgrading my dev/test site to 6.3.2 solved the problem!

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