User related question: This may be something obvious I’ve missed, but with the changes to shiny, how can I add a second HTML page under a nav item, eg;
Now when you click “add page” it creates the nav item as well. Work around is to click ‘add page’ which creates the nav and the HTML page, move the HTML to where I want it and then delete the new nav item.
You can add multiple child pages via the overview, e.g. click on the Overview icon next to the “Home” node, and then use the “Attach More Content” dropdown to choose the type of child page you want.
We wanted the “Add Page” button on the Site Tree to always deal with navigation nodes, to avoid users accidentally creating pages without the nav node, then having to delete the page, then create a nav node and then re-create the page
It’s worth noting that we are trying to discourage normal users from having multiple pages under a single navigation menu. Most folks find it confusing, especially when some are in draft and some approved.
We’re not planning on removing the option, but it has been deliberately down played in the UI.
Understanding why people want the second page in place would help us work out the best way to accommodate that specific use case. So if you have any particular feelings about multi-tenant navigation folders please let us know
Understand the logic in simplifying it, although we use it frequently to add pages that will be linked from another pages content but we don’t necessarily want it in the navigation.
@vern, interesting approach. What we’ve been doing is creating a nav node for every site under the “Utility” tree and call it “Hidden Site Links” and then put nav nodes (with associated content) under there that we don’t want seen in any of the normal site navigation menus (usually these are for short-lived campaigns that are linked from TV/Radio adverts).
I’m curious how others may have gotten around this problem. I had never considered your approach.
I usually create a new node under root ‘Non-Nav-Content’ then create whatever nodes/branches required for content that is not required in the main site navigation.
The benefit of doing this rather than multiple html pages under a single nave node is the core widgets that can create the required navigation. Makes it easy to set up footer navigation sections for example.
A use case for multiple html pages under a single navigation node is to split long content into multiple pages and offer pagination. Did one site a couple of year ago to use this and the use Bootstrap tabs to allow selecting the other pages. Simple to do by getting siblings and then creating tabs and panels for each sibling.
A common approach to hiding content from the primary navigation is create a branch that is separate to the Home branch. This is now standard in the sample projects that ships with the installer, and is linked to from the Navigation menu in the webtop.
We call it the Utility Navigation and typically store global utility navigation menus and footers in here. Specifically FarCry webtop is looking for the hidden navigation alias, which in this example is attached to the Utility navigation item.